Friday, March 21, 2014

Welcome to CM BHB Invasion! Are you really better off?

At least 400 new members from the BBC.  Will they stay?


  1. I wonder how many of them are returning members, and how bad the pussy reporting is going to get.

  2. Actually 500+. As far as what I've seen, less than 10 are return members. Añd no reporting, that's not why they come here.

  3. Right, a bunch of exiled rejects is right. They mostly look like rejects from life and act much the same. People are joining sure, but they are also leaving pretty damn fast. Once in CM they are figuring out damn quick there are better groups to join with more educated, decent, friendly people. LMAO MC must be like a mental health day at a high end resort spa compared to the big red hog welcome wagon that helps head up that group. A lot of the bitch groups are taken their escapees. LOL Now that's bad when we are seen as friendly decent peeps compared to the trash heap over there.
